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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The theory of physical existence of consciousness in life forms and its purpose ...

who are we? Where do we come from? Why are we here? are the questions that less and lesser people asking about ... but yet, many scientists, philosophers and saints through out the past thousands years had dedicated lifetime on this fundamental quest!

I am no more and no less, but just another man who is attempting to further the journey of 'Soul Searching'; being trapped and lost in that rabbit hole, and is chasing to the tiny flashing light of 'enlightenment' to seek the truth of existence!

I am not here trying to simplify this 'impossible' essay topic with 'human' words; as it is absolutely immature to even think that words can cover the truth. Instead, i am trying to set a direction of my lifelong research.

My objective is sharp and simple; why are we here?

I am not merely talking about you, me, him, and her; rather, I am talking about physical life in general; I am not a member of any religious group on earth, nor an atheist.

Here is my 'sweeping statement', feel free to prove me wrong:

The true reality is consciousness, it can not be measured in time, nor space; which our physical 'reality' is based on!

I have reason to believe that this 'world of consciousness' is the origin of where all life forms came from. It stretches across the infinity multiverse and dimensions, where'past', 'present', 'future' co-exist at the same time!

The'world of consciousness' provide 'energy' for life forms within the physical worlds/multiverses to be 'functional'; the principle can be 'simplified' as this: thinking about the relationship between your brain and the rest of your body-cells; each cell in your body is a 'life form' in a physical world, such as us on Earth. Each cell is separated from the 'mind' and other cells, just as how we are all physically separated as individuals; without the 'head' (figure of speech) each cell will die, but without each cell's existence, the brain will not 'learn' and 'evolve'.

Now, think outside of the box; why we, life forms are here?

We are the 'feelers' of the one consciousness, or should I say a very insignificant part of that consciousness; we are all acting as a 'data collector' here or on other planets, even within other paralleled-multiverses.

This is only a very sallow introduction of this attempting theory of physical existence of consciousness in life forms and its purpose ...

I am hoping to find out the following:

1. What are the 'levels' of that 'one consciousness'?
2. Could I 'tap' into that 'reality of consciousness' and stay 'alive"?
3. How did a 'piece of mind' merge 'into' a life form before 'birth'?
4. How does the brain link with that 'one consciousness'?

and many more ...

Luo Qi 01/09/2010 2:10AM

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